A Visual Homage to the Awe Inspiring Geology of an
Incredible Mountain Range
The Alps are the most famous, geologically active moutain range on Earth and bear an unbelievable wealth of geological highlights of unparalleled teaching potential, scientific interest, historical significance and sheer beauty. Although some of these have been made World Heritage sites by UNESCO, many of these highlights have not received attention outside a small community of Earth scientists and climbers. In part, this is because many geological features are only to be seen in inaccessible regions: in vertical rock faces, on the summits of high peaks or simply too large in scale to be appreciated from the ground. As such, aerial photography is the only way to do these features justice. In this project geologically oriented aerial photography of the Alps is presented and explained for the geologists and interested layperson alike.
High above the Alps: A bird's eye view
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Die Geologie der Alpen aus der Luft
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